
Science Rocks!

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Friday, April 21

Learning Targets and Goals

  • 1. Can you represent different types of matter with a sketch or diagram? How will you demonstrate your understanding with these types of notes?
  • 2. Can you differentiate the different types of matter from one another?
  • 3. Can you organize examples of different types of matter?
  • 4. If some type of matter is changed in some way, can you determine if a compound or element or mixture has been formed?
  • 5. Can you explain how Extended Molecules are different than other simple molecules (of different compounds)? What are some examples of different types of Extended Molecules?
  • Can you explain different real-world situations – relating them to different density amounts in substances?

Today in Class:

  1. First: We reviewed together to prepare for the quiz. I referred to the review slides that I shared with you yesterday (in class and after school on Google.Classroom.)
  2. Next – you all took the Chemistry Quiz #3: Types of Matter and Density.
  3. You all were given a chance to look through some “green” books that gave examples of environmentally friendly – sustainable ideas that are challenges for Earth Day this weekend!

4. Molecule Madness: most classes had time to search for molecules. We will be building molecule models next week in class. Many students also had time to complete part of the worksheet for creating these molecule models. You may choose to refer to these websites below if you wish to look at these molecule models this weekend. Great work!

Expii Molecules- simple  Models     

UofM Simple Molecular Modeling 

Teach Engineering Models

Arizona University Build the Molecules (scroll down to “build the following”)

ChemTeam Info Building Molecule Models (click on the blue links)

Alamy – just type in a simple molecule name and it searches for you)

 Pub Chem Open Chemistry Database   

3D Chemistry Models alphabetical  

Simple Molecular Modeling Larry Taylor UMich

Homework: Earth Day Challenge:

Will you be an Earth Day Champion?

     The worksheet activity was passed out- (we will celebrate Earth Day Monday!)

Challenge Activity:

Which Environmental Challenge will you choose to take on at home?  Choose 1 from an example listed in a book near you (in class) Or Google: online Earth Day Challenge list, or be creative and write your own challenge,  Then complete this action, and have someone take your photo as you are doing this Sustainable Action. 

Here are some websites to check out:

Teach Go Green challenges

24 Engaging Earth Day Activities for Middle School

Sign Up Genius – Earth Day Activities

100 Ideas to Celebrate Earth Days