
Science Rocks!

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Monday, April 17

Learning Targets and Goals

  • 1. Can you explain the phenomena of the sinking and floating golf balls, and relate these to density, molecules, mass, and volume?
  • 2. Can you compare the different graphs created by students to the golf balls floating and sinking in the investigation? Do you understand how to correctly place the Independent Variable, Dependent Variable and Control Experiment on a graph?
  • 3. Can you differentiate between different types of matter? Are you able to organize different types of matter from the most simple and pure types to the the most complex and mixed types of matter?
  • 4. How are atoms related to elements? Size? Complexity? Types?

Today in Class:

First: you started class today with a reading in TCi: Unit 1, Lesson 1, Sections Intro, 1,2,3. You were to read the sections with a partner, reading the text, and after each section, you were to try to (verbally) answer the questions in the text.

Second: Students then watched What is an Atom and How Do We Know? and related this to the reading in TCi.

Third: After this, we discussed the Golf Ball Investigation and the results your class had , referring to your class slides. Some of the questions I asked were:

  • What is the Independent Variable in their experiment? How do you know this (besides that the photo is labeled?
  • Explain why the golf ball floats in some substances, and not in others.
  • What is the reason why the Golf Ball floated at any time? Explain this using the words: molecules, volume, mass, density.
  • What would be an improvement people made to their trials # 2 and 3 with the Independent Variable?

Fourth: Next – we took notes on Types of Matter. You added to your examples (from Friday) and we named more. Then I shared Fill-In-the-Blank notes with you and you added these definitions to your 4-Square notes.

Homework: Chemistry Quiz Friday: Density and Types of Matter